Sunday, February 25, 2007

Cooking w/Alex s01e01 - My Coffee

Show Notes

I love my chemex. I have experimented with everything. I started with a machine. Then I moved on to a french press. The problems I had with the french press stem from the exact nature in which you have to use a french press. Because the water and the ground steep together you have to time them to get the best coffee. Timing for a roast is one thing, but for coffee I need it to be simple. That is where the chemex, or any method that uses gravity, shines. Everything is set up so the coffee spends a set time with the ground. Then its just a function of the volume of water you pour over said grounds that is the biggest determinate in the flavor. I suppose you could get the same affect with a funnel and filter over a cup. That is where my penchant for modern design comes into play. The chemex just looks great.

The Story of the Chemex
I was wrong about being invented in the 50s it was made in the 30s and it was invented by a guy named Peter Schlumbohm

Coffee Selection
I didn't cover this in the video its self. I think that most coffees will work. I would suggest buying from small batch roasters. If you don't want to go out of your way trader joes house brand coffee is perfectly fine. In the end what matters most is that you get through your coffee roughly once a week I think is a good time, like a thing every two weeks on the far side. If you don't want to buy coffee that often I think a good idea would be to freeze some of it when you first by it then pull it out as you need. You don't want to use straight from freezer coffee though.

The best coffee in the city of San Francisco is definitely Blue Bottle Coffee Company they are at near hayes valley or at the ferry building farmers market.


Ladeda said...

Alex, That was so fun to watch! I'm glad your doing a video blog because your such a good teacher. As for the coffee, I love cono style. I work at a coffee shop that was so specific about our espresso we had to taste our shots every hour to make sure they were perfect. The milk was a big deal too. No bubbles, just smooth cream with pictures if we could. If you could make pictures you got a raise. Our drip coffee was almost always the cono style you made. There's nothing like it.
Also, I loved that outtro song. I'm about to look her up. Thanks for the lesson.*

Ladeda said...

After I posted my comment I found some pictures that sums up my old shop perfectly. Just click the view pics.

Anonymous said...

So what do you do if you are Mormon? Do you have any Mormon friendly drinks? I like the coffee Bombucha music. It made me want to dance!

Troublemaker said...

It took me a long time to figure out that yours was a video blog. Haha, I'm smart.
That was great! You're very specific in your instructions and descriptions, which makes the blog useful and fun.
As for the Chemex, it looks awesome for coffee, but as I'm strictly a tea drinker, I'll stick with my IngenuiTEA machine.

andy said...
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andy said...

Here's a link about fun coffee facts. And why Chexmex when you can have Chexmix?