Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A couple of places you didn't know you could use your aggregater.

Blogs are cool, but they are just one aspect of what RSS can do. It blew my mind when I figured this out, it was a revelation. Everything should be in an RSS feed. My bank statements, my appointments, my wife's birthday(just don't tell her). Even though RSS as a personal tool is still lacking there are many places where RSS is helpful now.

The coolest one so far is, the RSS feeds for del.icio.us users. This is cool because I found that a number of big people use del.icio.us to book mark websites. Which means I don't have to wait for the links, I can get at the links as soon as they bookmark it. There are a couple people so far that have provided the best links. I also have found some peoples name even though it doesn't look like they use it so often

Amoeba music always has great acts in their stores but I kept forgetting to go to there web page and checkout the upcoming shows until I discovered they have a RSS feed. Now whenever they add something it shows up in my aggregater. Calendar link

A couple of others.

  • Youtube - provides RSS for searches. Example search for cats falling asleep, and then subscribe the RSS feed. Every time a new video is uploaded to Youtube that matches that criteria it will show up in your aggrigater.

  • Google - Does the same things for Internet searches, also news searches as well.


Rhianna said...

I found your blog to be very informative. I learned a lot from your blog. However, I am not the most tech savvy person. I tnink that if you included more background information, it would have been easier to understand. Perhaps, including some more basic information could help with any confusion. This would have helped me take more away from your blog. You probably know all about the basic information, so I would include it or link it.

voidfiles said...

I could link to it but I feel that its up too you. you know what you need to learn so I leave it up to people to to learn what they feel they need to know.

Anonymous said...

The Amoeba music calender is brilliant. Thanks!!