Saturday, February 10, 2007

Food Blogs

I am a foodie ... I guess, people tell me so. Anyway I also have been reading blogs for a long time. I am most excited about blogs like these food blogs. Because for a long time blogs have been computer oriented, or politics. Now there are some great blogs popping all over the place about everything.

so on too the food.

My first foray into reading food blogs was slashfood. I hadn't seen any quality food blogs yet but I put this into the quarantine folder and expected it too fail. Over time I realized that these guys were great food writers. My favorite post are those about extremely expensive food items. Like 100 dollar hamburgers. They really try and talk about food items, or food oddities. I don't really remember any restaurant reviews, and I like that.

The next place blog in the food world that I found interesting was My Tiny Plot. While not a food blog it is about growing food. Everyone and awhile she posts about what she made with the food that she grew. I like this blog because she posts a picture with every post. and the pictures are really amazing. I don't know if she takes them her self or not but I think so.

Finally, just last week I got the itch to find some local sf food blogs. They aren't as good as the ones above but they have the local slant which too me will always push a blog into my blog reader. The one that I like the most so far is chez pim. I don't know the story about this person yet and I haven't seen that much food yet but the person who writes this blog I think works at like a restaurant. I am reading and I will find out if this is a good food blog.


TV Obsessed said...

I am not what people would call a "foodie", but I do love food. It was interesting to hear your thoughts on the different blogs, but I would like to know why you are drawn to these blogs. What is it about food or the examination that interests you? Have you searched through websites that are not blogs? Even though it is for travelers I think Patricia Unterman Cite is good because she has a history of reviewing restaurant.

voidfiles said...

I don't like reading reviews because you can find reviews everywhere, and for every good one I think you can find a bad one. What I am looking for is just people talking about resteraunt's in SF.

Like I went to x last night in blah , it wasn't bad.

Thats it this gives me enough knowledge so that if I am in blah I might go and then make up my own mind.

But thank you for giving it a critical review. I do like to know what people were looking to get out it. I will keep this in mind the next time I read something.